Introducing Lammy
An LLM library for Ruby

From Zero to Product with Generative AI
My new ebook offers case studies and just enough theory for you to build your next app with gen AI.

Flavors of Ruby on Rails Architectures
I gave this talk at the SF Bay Area Ruby meetup on Sep 3rd, 2024, at GitHub HQ in San Francisco.

Chaining Prompts
Chains go beyond a single LLM call and involve sequences of calls.

Side Projects
Repeat after me: I will not start another side project… Oh, shit.

When You Say It Twice, Write It Down
…and save everybody’s time.

Intelligence as an API
AI models are getting hard to beat when it comes to getting simple answers right at scale.

Pairing with AI
Raise your floor with large language models.

The Economics of LLMs
How to avoid bankruptcy scaling up large language models?

The Facts Are Friendly
People and startups grow by facing reality.