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High Tolerance for Imbalance

Adapt or die.

High Tolerance for Imbalance

Scope is What Kills Founders

Particularly those who are inexperienced.

Scope is What Kills Founders

Why a Newsletter

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by… Substack?

Why a Newsletter

You Can’t Fix a Blank Page

A motto I embrace for everything, not just when it comes to writing.

You Can’t Fix a Blank Page

Negative Capability

How would you cope if you had to navigate from one contradiction to another over years?

Negative Capability

Beyond Prompts

Is prompt engineering, hailed as “the number one job of the future,” really the next big thing?

Beyond Prompts

Time as Friend or Foe

You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.

Time as Friend or Foe

There Are No Experts, There Is Only Us

Everyone has opinions about what you should do in times of crisis. This doesn’t mean they’re right.

There Are No Experts, There Is Only Us

Have You Found Your Answer?

Follow your energy. Even unsuccessful startups can take years of your life.

Have You Found Your Answer?

Regulating AI

The EU aims to introduce a common regulatory framework for AI. Is this bad news for startups?

Regulating AI