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Introducing Lammy

An LLM library for Ruby

6 min read
Introducing Lammy

I apologize if this is more technical than what you’re here for, but it’s what I’ve been focused on lately, and I wanted to share.

Lammy is a simple LLM library for Ruby I wrote over the last few weeks. It doesn’t treat prompts as just strings. They represent the entire code that generates the strings sent to a LLM. The abstraction also makes it easy to attach these methods directly to models, avoiding the need for boilerplate service code.

The approach is inspired by Python’s ell. I haven't come across a Ruby port yet, so I decided to start experimenting on my own.


I wanted to create a simple library that would let me use LLMs in my Ruby projects without dealing with a lot of boilerplate code.

Using something like Langchain felt too complex for many of my needs. Another option would be to integrate a library directly with a framework like Ruby on Rails, leveraging its conventions. You could, for example, store prompts in the database or as views. But that seemed like overkill for what I needed, and it would add a dependency on the framework, making it harder to use in simple programs.

Personally, I don’t think prompt engineering needs to be that complicated, which is why the ell approach—treating prompts like simple functions—really resonated with me. I wanted to bring something similar to Ruby. I don’t see why LLMs can’t be treated like databases in Active Record, where all the complexity is abstracted away. You can query without needing to think much about the underlying SQL. With Lammy, the idea is similar: you just define your prompt in a method on a model and call it like any other method.



Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem "lammy"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

You can find a basic example of how to use Lammy in Rails in the lammy-rails-example repository.

Gem install

Or install with:

$ gem install lammy

and require with:

require "lammy"


Lammy currently supports OpenAI’s models and Anthropic’s Claude. You can use any model that supports the OpenAI API or Claude. Make sure to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable for OpenAI models or the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY for Claude models.


Lammy allows you to interact with a chat model using the llm decorator. The llm decorator accepts a modelargument, where you specify the name of the model you’d like to use.

class User
  # To be able to make LLM calls, we first include `L` at the top of our class
  include L

  attr_reader :name

  def initialize(name:)
    @name = name

  # Take a message as input and return a model-generated message as output
  llm(model: "gpt-4o")
  def welcome
    # User message goes here
    "Say hello to #{name.reverse} with a poem."

user = "John Doe")

# => "Hello eoD nhoJ, let's make a cheer,\n
# With a whimsical poem to bring you near.\n
# Though your name's in reverse, it’s clear and bright,\n
# Let's dance in verse on this delightful night!"

System message

You can provide a system message to the model through the context method. This is an optional approach that allows you to give the model additional context. I chose not to use the system method because it’s a potentially risky Ruby method.

class User
  include L

  # (...)

  llm(model: "gpt-4o")
  def welcome
    # An optional system message
    context "You are an AI that only writes in lower case."
    # User message goes here
    "Say hello to #{name.reverse} with a poem."

user = "John Doe")

# => "hello eod nhoj, let's make a cheer,\n
# with a whimsical poem to bring you near.\n
# though your name's in reverse, it’s clear and bright,\n
# let's dance in verse on this delightful night!"

Structured output for OpenAI’s models

You can request OpenAI’s models to return a structured JSON output by using the schema option in the decorator. This is an optional feature that allows you to define a structured output format for the model. To handle arrays of objects, use L.to_a, and for a single object, use L.to_h.

class User
  include L

  # (...)

  # Define a structured output schema for Lammy to handle JSON responses.
  # For a single object instead of an array, use `L.to_h`.
  llm(model: "gpt-4o-2024-08-06", schema: L.to_a(name: :string, city: :string))
  def friends
    "Hallucinate a list of friends for #{name}."

user = "John Doe")

# => [{"name"=>"Alice Summers", "city"=>"Austin"},
#   {"name"=>"Brian Thompson", "city"=>"Denver"},
#   {"name"=>"Charlie Herrera", "city"=>"Seattle"},
#   {"name"=>"Diana Flores", "city"=>"San Francisco"},
#   {"name"=>"Eli Grant", "city"=>"New York"},
#   {"name"=>"Fiona Collins", "city"=>"Chicago"},
#   {"name"=>"George Baker", "city"=>"Los Angeles"},
#   {"name"=>"Hannah Kim", "city"=>"Miami"},
#   {"name"=>"Isaac Chen", "city"=>"Boston"},
#   {"name"=>"Jessica Patel", "city"=>"Houston"}]

Prefilling assistant responses for Claude

Anthtopic decided to improve output consistency and implement JSON mode by allowing users to prefill the model’s response. Lammy enables this feature through its array syntax, along with the L.user and L.system helper methods.

class User
  include L

  # (...)

  llm(model: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620")
  def welcome
    # Provide a list of messages to the model for back-and-forth conversation
      # User message goes here
      L.user("Say hello to #{name.reverse} with a poem."),
      # When using Claude, you have the ability to guide its responses by prefilling it
      L.assistant("Here's a little poem for you:")

Although only Claude models prefill responses, the array syntax can be applied to both OpenAI and Claude models. For OpenAI’s models, this feature is used to continue the conversation from where the previous message left off, enabling multi-message conversations like the one in our upcoming example.


You can use the stream method to stream responses from the LLM in real time, which can be much faster and help create a more engaging user experience. To receive chunks of the response as they come in, pass a lambda to the stream method.

class Bot
  include L

  llm(model: "gpt-4o")
  def talk(message)
    # Use the `stream` method to stream chunks of the response.
    # In this case, we're just printing the chunks.
    stream ->(content) { puts content }
    # Nothing fancy, simply transfer the message to the model

bot ="Hello, how are you?")

# => "I'm here and ready to help. How can I assist you today?"

This is a simplified explanation of how you can use the stream method. For a complete example, refer to this file. This implementation allows to hold an actual conversation with the model, which is the most common use case for chatbots, and does it using Lammy’s array syntax.


You can use a vision model to generate a description of an image this way:

class Image
  include L

  attr_accessor :file

  llm(model: "gpt-4o")
  def describe
    L.user("Describe this image.", image: file)

image =
image.file ="./examples/assets/ruby.jpg")

# => "The image is an illustration of a red gem, specifically a ruby.
# The gem is depicted with facets that reflect light, giving it a shiny
# and polished appearance. This image is often associated with
# the Ruby programming language logo."

The L.user helper method must be used to attach the image to the prompt.

Custom clients

For a more robust setup, you can configure the client directly and pass it to the decorator.

# Helicone is an open-source LLM observability platform for developers
# to monitor, debug, and optimize their apps
$helicone =
  access_token: "access_token_goes_here",
  uri_base: "",
  request_timeout: 240,
  extra_headers: {
    "X-Proxy-TTL" => "43200",
    "X-Proxy-Refresh": "true",
    "Helicone-Auth": "Bearer HELICONE_API_KEY",
    "helicone-stream-force-format" => "true",

class User
  include L

  # (...)

  # Pass the Helicone client to Lammy's decorator
  llm(model: "gpt-4o", client: $helicone)
  def description
    "Describe #{name} in a few sentences."


You can use the embeddings endpoint to obtain a vector of numbers that represents an input. These vectors can be compared across different inputs to efficiently determine their similarity. Currently, Lammy supports only OpenAI’s embeddings endpoint.

class User
  include L

  # (...)

  # Text embeddings measure the relatedness of text strings. The response
  # will contain a list of floating point numbers, which you can extract,
  # save in a vector database, and use for many different use cases.
  v(model: "text-embedding-3-large", dimensions: 256)
  def embeddings
      Hi, I'm #{name}. I'm a software engineer with a passion for Ruby
      and open-source development.

user = "John Doe")

# => [0.123, -0.456, 0.789, ...]
# This will be the embedding vector returned by the model

Now you’re able to store this vector in a vector database, such as pgvector, and use it to compare the similarity of different inputs. For example, you can use the cosine similarity to determine the similarity between two vectors. More work with embeddings is on the way, as this is just a basic implementation. I wanted to start small so I can build and expand later.


Lammy is open source and released under the MIT License.


Kamil Nicieja

I guess you can call me an optimist. I build products for fun—I’m a startup founder, author, and software engineer who’s worked with tech companies around the world.

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