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Good Game

Gaming with AI: imagine a detective game where characters have secret stories to uncover.

6 min read
Good Game
detective, AI, gaming, interrogation, secrets, judge, dialogue, investigation
Before Growth is a weekly column about startups and their builders prior to product–market fit.

The gaming industry stands to gain significantly from advancements in generative AI. Let’s take an extreme example for a moment: a game that’s entirely customized for each player’s unique experience, generating assets on–the–spot. This could involve creating a personalized narrative, textures, and dialogue based on the player’s decisions, thereby offering a completely non–linear gaming experience. However, it’s probably safe to say that we’re still many, many years away from being able to pull something like this off on a AAA scale.

But what about indie games? Take Jussi Kemppainen from Dinosaurs Are Better as an example. He’s single–handedly developing an entire adventure game, using AI assistance in all aspects of game design, ranging from character creation to coding, dialogue crafting to graphic design.

Let’s consider another application.

Imagine a detective game where you play as a police investigator trying to solve a murder. Your task is to interview numerous witnesses and suspects to discover the true culprit. Each character you interact with would be powered by a sophisticated language model akin to ChatGPT, each embodying a specific persona. These personas would have two stories: the one they willingly share with investigators, and the hidden truth that they’d prefer to keep secret for various reasons. As the player, your goal would be to interrogate each persona, gradually unraveling the truth to identify the real offender. To add an extra layer of complexity, we could introduce a judge persona. Instead of merely choosing who they think is guilty, players would need to build and present a compelling case to the judge, effectively discouraging random guesswork.

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